Nine questions with Ottawa’s own Lemon Cash to give you everything you need to know about the band, the song writing and what’s to come.

What have you been up to lately?

Well, we’ve been on an unfortunate hiatus for the past year, a couple of members have left the band, but on good terms. We are now in the process of restructuring the band and getting back into the groove of things. We have acquired a new guitarist and at the moment we are going through the motions of playing and practicing our songs with our new member; tightening and shaping our sound hoping to get out there soon and rock the stages once again.

What do you want your fans to know at this time?

That we’ve been working extremely hard on getting things ready to get out there and not only play shows but to release new music and video content (covers, live footage, etc…) for everyone to see and listen to. Once things are solidified with our new member(s), you’ll definitely be hearing more from us and all the fun stuff we’re getting into!

What are your favorite venues to play? Why? What makes them special?

We always have a blast playing venues where everyone can get right up close to us on stage, a very “up close and personal” type of setting. For some reason, the energy in the room becomes electrifying, when we see our music effectively impacting people the way we want it to it puts us in the zone and fires us right up! When you are able to get a whole dance floor filled with people in front of you that are dancing, screaming and singing your songs there’s really no better feeling in the world. It is something that gives us momentum and assurance that what we’re doing seems to be getting noticed and that we’re succeeding at connecting with our audience. Shows like that really stick with us in a huge way and therefore it is the best kinds of venues to play at.

Which songs do you perform most frequently? Is there are specific reason for them?

There isn’t any song in particular that we perform more frequently, but we always try to make our shows 70% originals in order to promote ourselves as an original band. We also try to cater to the type of venue we play at. In example, if we’re playing a more intimate venue, we like to try and throw in a couple of slower, take out your lighters and phones and wave’em around type of songs. Those ones tend to create pretty special moments. But, if we’re playing an outdoor party festival type of venue, we’ll most likely keep our set fast paced with lots of energy.

Who writes your songs?

We have multiple songwriters in the band and we each build on whoever’s idea we’re using. So you can say that it is a very collaborative process. Everyone has different influences and when they’re all put together, it creates a unique sound, so we make sure to get every band member’s input before completing a song.

Could you briefly describe the music writing process? Do you start with guitar or writing the lyrics?

Usually, someone comes up with a guitar riff melody and we build on that, or at times we’d be jamming in our basement, just messing around with our instruments and then suddenly something happens and we just build from that as well. Ideas seem to always catch us off guard or when we least expect it; one of us could be doing something simple as having a bowl of fruit loops and suddenly a catchy hook pops in your head or a cool lyric for a song title comes out of nowhere and sticks in your brain. We tend to pay attention to those signs, log them into our notepads or phones and bring them to the table for the rest of the guys to put their touch on it.

Are there main running themes or topics in your songs or are each unique?

They definitely vary depending on the main writer of the song. Our lead singer Cory loves to tell stories and paint a picture in the listener’s head. This story telling characteristic I’m sure all stems from Cory’s deep interest in R.L. Stine and all of the “Goosebumps” books he read as a child. He likes to write things with meaning and wants the listener to envision what he’s trying to say,which makes him a great songwriter. But for the most part our main concept is to just have fun in the sun, fall in love with girls or have them fall in love with us (which seems more accurate), and to just enjoy life to the fullest, at least that was our mentality for ourfirst EP. Now as we’re getting older and “maturing” we’d like our writing style and lyrical content to mature also. We just like to write about the everyday motions we all go through in life, the challenges we face and all the little things that gets thrown our way. We realize more and more growing as musicians that lyrics are really important and they are a huge weapon when trying to attract a listener or creating an audience and fan base. We are going to try our best to create something that people can relate to or can turn to and just all around feel connected to….but with kick @$$ drums and cool vibey guitar licks and bass grooves and some delicious vocals on top of everything!

How can fans or fans-to-be gain access to your music? Do you have a website with sample songs, on iTunes?

Our music can be found pretty much on any streaming service; Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Google play, etc… We also have a couple music videos and cover videos on our Youtube page, and we’re working on putting up more visual content for everyone to watch and listen.

Any last words? What else should fans know about the band?

We just want to let everyone know that we’ll be back gigging all over the place very soon. NEW music is soon to come and there might be a slight chance that our genre might change. We have released a very special video of us covering a very special song in our own very special, unique style and we are so happy with the outcome of it. Also – Come and check us in action. We would love to meet you all.