When Flanagan’s Pub in Blacklick, Ohio announced on their Facebook page they were going to hold a drive-in “Car-antined” Concert on their property, it generated a lot of excitement. A concert? Here in Ohio? How is this possible with all the concerts and festivals that have been cancelled this year? Well, they got creative, came up with a plan and executed it in the space of a couple days.

Flanagan’s Car-antined Concert 5.2.2020 Blacklick, Ohio


Basically they parked the cars about 12 feet apart with a few feet front and rear. Everyone was respectful in keeping to the social distance standards as requested by management. The servers wore masks as they took orders for food and drink from each vehicle. They made it clear that, due to state law, no alcohol could be served or consumed. But who cares? We got to experience live music outside on a warm spring Saturday night after weeks of cancelled events!

Flanagan’s Car-antined Concert 5.2.2020 Blacklick, Ohio


Local musician Brad Moore played 3 straight hours (no breaks) of rock and county covers with a few originals thrown in to the enthusiastic crowd who yelled, honked and revved engines in appreciation. He was perched on a makeshift stage on top of his van so even if you were parked way back in the field, you could see him jamming away.

Flanagan’s Car-antined Concert 5.2.2020 Blacklick, Ohio

The turnout was well beyond expectations as 100 vehicles showed up. The staff did the best they could to get everyone served. They logged quite a few miles sprinting back and forth from car to kitchen all night. It was an amazing accomplishment by management and staff!

Flanagan’s Car-antined Concert 5.2.2020 Blacklick, Ohio

Could this be the way forward for live music this summer? Flanagan’s has said they will hold more of these events and have already scheduled another one this weekend, weather permitting. Bring it on!